2018 Book Roundup

Do you have a yearly book reading goal? I have always stayed away from giving myself an arbitrary number to try to reach for the year. Many readers read over 100 books in a year! I don’t aim for that for two reasons: 1. I am not a speed reader. I like to savor my books. 2. I have soooo many other responsibilities that there is no way I could do that! Plus,  I tend to think I will feel too much like a failure if I don’t meet the goal and then it would become a burden or chore. But I do roughly think one book a month is a good target for me to reach. If I can read more – great! If not, no big deal.

Being a member of the Book of the Month club means I get to read a lot of interesting and wonderful books in a year. Again,  this is on top of school, and work, and family time, and life etc. Therefore, my “would like to read” list is way more than my “actually have time to read” list. If you are an avid reader, you know how that TBR pile can stand quite tall! In fact, I have 19 current TBR books and 5 NTF (need to finish) books. Do you have a NTF list? These are books that have been started, put down for whatever reason, but fully intend to go back and finish.  But I digress.

My “books read” list is modest at best. I managed to read 16 books – should be 17 because I am in one now that I plan to finish before the year is up. See current read below:

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